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Kimmel, Adolf

Prof. Adolf Kimmel taught and carried out research at various universities, including the University of Würzburg and University of Trier.

François Mitterrand</a>

François Mitterrand

François Mitterrand gilt neben Charles de Gaulle als der bedeutendste französische Politiker seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Seine Wahl zum Staatspräsidenten 1981 hat nach 23 Jahren den ersten Machtwechsel der V. Republik hin zur sozialistisch-kommunistischen Linksunion herbeigeführt.

François Mitterrand</a>

François Mitterrand

After Charles de Gaulle, François Mitterrand is regarded as the most important French politician since the end of World War II. His election as President of the Republic in 1981 brought about the first transfer of power after 23 years in the Fifth Republic, to the left-wing Socialist&Communist alliance.

François Mitterrand</a>

François Mitterrand

After Charles de Gaulle, François Mitterrand is regarded as the most important French politician since the end of World War II. His election as President of the Republic in 1981 brought about the first transfer of power after 23 years in the Fifth Republic, to the left-wing Socialist&Communist alliance.