Kein Foto

Kinoshita, Ken

Ken Kinoshita (Ph. D., Doshisha University, Japan) is an associate professor at the Faculty of Socio-Environmental Studies, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan. His research focuses on the Japanese parliament, local councils, and political communication. He has published several articles and books related to the interface of parliament and political communication, including: Bicameral theory (in Japanese, 2015), Why politicians don’t answer questions? (in Japanese, 2018), How to advance regional legislative reform (in Japanese, 2020), and Rhetoric of politicians (in Japanese, 2022).


Japanese Politicians’ Rhetorical and Indirect Speech</a>

Japanese Politicians’ Rhetorical and Indirect Speech

This book presents a new approach to the analysis of political psychology, political culture, and communication.Using data from Japanese political interviews and parliamentary deliberations, it reveals how Japanese politicians address their audience. In addition to analyzing the use of verbal political rhetoric, the book shows that nonverbal communication is highly relevant as well.

Japanese Politicians’ Rhetorical and Indirect Speech</a>

Japanese Politicians’ Rhetorical and Indirect Speech

This book presents a new approach to the analysis of political psychology, political culture, and communication.Using data from Japanese political interviews and parliamentary deliberations, it reveals how Japanese politicians address their audience.