Kein Foto

Knight, Jane

Professor Jane Knight, affiliated with  the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto and the Ali Mazrui Centre for Higher Education Studies at the University of Johannesburg is a longstanding scholar of the international, intercultural and global dimensions of international higher education and more recently of international relations. Her work in over 75 countries with universities, governments, and UN Agencies helps to bring a comparative, development, and international perspective to her research, teaching and policy work. She is the author of numerous publications and sits on the advisory boards of different international organizations, universities, and journals. She holds a PhD in Higher Education and a PhD in Political Science and is the recipient of several international awards including two honorary doctorates.

Knowledge Diplomacy in International Relations and Higher Education</a>

Knowledge Diplomacy in International Relations and Higher Education

This book addresses the understudied phenomenon of why and how contemporary international higher education, research and innovation can contribute to strengthening international relations. The author proposes the concept of knowledge diplomacy and carefully examines its fundamental rationales, actors, principles, instruments, and strategies.

Knowledge Diplomacy in International Relations and Higher Education</a>

Knowledge Diplomacy in International Relations and Higher Education

This book addresses the understudied phenomenon of why and how contemporary international higher education, research and innovation can contribute to strengthening international relations. The author proposes the concept of knowledge diplomacy and carefully examines its fundamental rationales, actors, principles, instruments, and strategies.

Knowledge Diplomacy in International Relations and Higher Education</a>

Knowledge Diplomacy in International Relations and Higher Education

This book addresses the understudied phenomenon of why and how contemporary international higher education, research and innovation can contribute to strengthening international relations. The author proposes the concept of knowledge diplomacy and carefully examines its fundamental rationales, actors, principles, instruments, and strategies.