Prof. Dr. Antje Orths: Chief Engineer at Energinet; Convenor of ENTSO-E’s Offshore Development Core Group; Adjunct Professor of Renewable Energies/ Wind Energy; Member of the IEEE PES, the VDE and the Energy Systems Integration Group, Reston VA.
This essential provides a compact overview of the genesis and the implementation steps taken so far in the energy transition and describes in particular the framework conditions of the changing energy system. Thus, the book is excellently suited as an introductory read into the subject of the energy transition, which will also lead to the creation of a holistic total energy system.
The core of the book is the presentation of a systematic, continuous and logical chain into the coupled total energy system (GES) of the future, which will lead to the fully sustainable use of renewable energies. Thus, unified models are proposed that are applicable to the subsystems/sectors throughout and allow the optimization of the entire GES.
Das essential gibt in kompakter Form einen Überblick über die Genese und die bisherigen Umsetzungsschritte der Energiewende und beschreibt insbesondere die Rahmenbedingungen des sich wandelnden Energiesystems. Damit eignet sich das Buch hervorragend als Einstiegslektüre in die Thematik der Energiewende, die auch zur Entstehung eines holistischen Gesamtenergiesystems führen wird.
Das essential gibt in kompakter Form einen Überblick über die Genese und die bisherigen Umsetzungsschritte der Energiewende und beschreibt insbesondere die Rahmenbedingungen des sich wandelnden Energiesystems. Damit eignet sich das Buch hervorragend als Einstiegslektüre in die Thematik der Energiewende, die auch zur Entstehung eines holistischen Gesamtenergiesystems führen wird.
The core of the book is the presentation of a systematic, continuous and logical chain into the coupled total energy system (GES) of the future, which will lead to the fully sustainable use of renewable energies. Thus, unified models are proposed that are applicable to the subsystems/sectors throughout and allow the optimization of the entire GES.
The core of the book is the presentation of a systematic, continuous and logical chain into the coupled total energy system (GES) of the future, which will lead to the fully sustainable use of renewable energies. Thus, unified models are proposed that are applicable to the subsystems/sectors throughout and allow the optimization of the entire GES.