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Kpessa-Whyte, Michael

Michael Kpessa-Whyte is an Associate Professor at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana. His research focuses on the nexus between partisan politics and public policy.


James Dzisah is Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Sociology, University of Ghana. His research focuses on knowledge production, globalization and development.


Public Policy in Ghana</a>

Public Policy in Ghana

This book provides analytical, conceptual, and practical insights into how public policy processes and outcomes are conceptualized and framed. Drawing on Ghanaian experiences, but with extensive illustrations from other African countries, it showcases issues of commonality and diversity in public policy with analytical insights and real-life policy concerns that specifically addresses how citizens engage with the state, and how they think and function as social actors within the socio-cultural settings of Africa.

Public Policy in Ghana</a>

Public Policy in Ghana

This book provides analytical, conceptual, and practical insights into how public policy processes and outcomes are conceptualized and framed. Drawing on Ghanaian experiences, but with extensive illustrations from other African countries, it showcases issues of commonality and diversity in public policy with analytical insights and real-life policy concerns that specifically address how citizens engage with the state, and how they think and function as social actors within the socio-cultural settings of Africa.