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Kropac, Ulrich

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kropac ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Didaktik der Religionslehre, für Katechetik und Religionspädagogik an der Theologischen Fakultät der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

Handbuch Religionsdidaktik</a>

Handbuch Religionsdidaktik

This handbook provides comprehensive information about all the important topics in religious education: from the positioning of religious teaching in schools, models and protagonists in religious education, and typical forms of religious learning through to the specific planning and implementation of religious lessons.

Handbuch Religionsdidaktik</a>

Handbuch Religionsdidaktik

This handbook provides comprehensive information about all the important topics in religious education: from the positioning of religious teaching in schools, models and protagonists in religious education, and typical forms of religious learning through to the specific planning and implementation of religious lessons.

Handbuch Religionsdidaktik</a>

Handbuch Religionsdidaktik

This handbook provides comprehensive information about all the important topics in religious education: from the positioning of religious teaching in schools, models and protagonists in religious education, and typical forms of religious learning through to the specific planning and implementation of religious lessons.

Religion - Religiosität - Religionskultur</a>

Religion - Religiosität - Religionskultur

Wie ist ein der Persönlichkeitsbildung verpflichteter Religionsunterricht in der staatlichen Schule grundlegend zu konzipieren? Der Band entfaltet eine Antwort auf diese Frage in fünf großen Kapiteln: "Religion", "Religiosität", "Religionskultur", "Religiöse Bildung" und "Religionsunterricht in der öffentlichen Schule".