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Kuhn, Berthold M.

Dr. Berthold M. Kuhn is a political scientist and international cooperation expert, focusing on climate policies and sustainability transformations. He regularly speaks at international conferences and advises international and nonprofit organizations as well as global think tanks. He was a professor at Leiden University, Tsinghua University, and Xiamen University and is now involved in research, teaching, and international conference activities at Freie Universität Berlin. He also works as an evaluator for the European Commission and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Dimitrios L. Margellos Dimitrios L. Margellos, born and raised in Athens, is a well-networked young researcher and activist. He has extensively surveyed political economy research and conducted analysis on inequality issues in his capacity as political science student at Freie Universität Berlin.

Global Perspectives on Megatrends</a>

Global Perspectives on Megatrends

Berthold M. Kuhn and Dimitrios L. Margellos present a thoroughly reflected analysis of global trends shaping our future. Key megatrends include climate change and sustainability, digitalization, growing inequalities, urbanization and smart cities, the progression toward a green economy, and sustainable finance.