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Lausberg, Hedda

Prof. Hedda Lausberg is a specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, neurology, psychiatry and is also a dance therapist (BVT). She is professor of neurology, psychosomatics and psychiatry at the German Sports University in Cologne.

Der Körper in der Psychotherapie</a>

Der Körper in der Psychotherapie

Körperlicher Ausdruck ist nicht nur in der körper- und bewegungsorientierten, sondern auch in der verbalen Psychotherapie allgegenwärtig. Die Autorin geht in diesem Band aus einer neuropsychologischen Perspektive unter anderem folgenden Fragen nach: Mit welchen spezifischen psychischen Prozessen sind Mimik, Gestik und Haltung assoziiert? Was sind universelle, kulturelle und individuelle Komponenten expressiven Bewegungsverhaltens? Wie zuverlässig ist die intuitive Deutung von Körperausdruck? Wie unterscheiden sich unbewusste und bewusste nonverbale Interaktion? Welche Informationen liefern Gesten in Abgrenzung zu Sprache? Welche psychische Funktion haben unterschiedliche Typen von Selbstberührungen? Das Buch vermittelt empirisch fundiertes Wissen über Körperausdruck und gibt zahlreiche Anregungen für die therapeutische Praxis.

Der Körper in der Psychotherapie</a>

Der Körper in der Psychotherapie

Physical expression is ubiquitous not only in psychotherapeutic work oriented towards the body and movement, but also in verbal psychotherapy. In this volume, the author explores the following questions, among others, from a neuropsychological perspective: With which specific psychological processes are facial expressions, gestures, and posture associated? What are the universal, cultural and individual components of expressive movement behaviour? How reliable is the intuitive interpretation of bodily expression? How do unconscious and conscious nonverbal interactions differ? What information do gestures provide, in contrast to language? What is the psychological function of different types of self-touching? This book provides empirically based knowledge about physical expression and offers numerous suggestions for therapeutic practice.

Der Körper in der Psychotherapie</a>

Der Körper in der Psychotherapie

Physical expression is ubiquitous not only in psychotherapeutic work oriented towards the body and movement, but also in verbal psychotherapy. In this volume, the author explores the following questions, among others, from a neuropsychological perspective: With which specific psychological processes are facial expressions, gestures, and posture associated? What are the universal, cultural and individual components of expressive movement behaviour? How reliable is the intuitive interpretation of bodily expression? How do unconscious and conscious nonverbal interactions differ? What information do gestures provide, in contrast to language? What is the psychological function of different types of self-touching? This book provides empirically based knowledge about physical expression and offers numerous suggestions for therapeutic practice.