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Leontaridis, Maria

Maria Leontaridis works as a life coach and trauma therapist.

Her clients are struggling with anxieties, insecurities and disorientation, the roots of which usually go back to childhood. Focusing on the inner world rather than on the outside world helps and gives you a secure footing in life.

In order to make this focus a habit from an early age on, Maria created these children’s meditations for her daughter, friends and neighborhood children and has conducted them over and over again.
My Flower Meadow</a>

My Flower Meadow

A week in a perfect worldThis audiobook offers 7 fantasy journeys. Hear only one story every day. As an active break, as a listening experience, as a short break from the stressful everyday life.The children’s meditations were created for children from the age of 4 and above, however they are also suitable for adults and their “inner child”.