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Lerschen, Daniela

Daniela Lerschen, born in 1975, lives with her husband near Aachen.

She discovered her passion for books, reading, and writing at an early age. Until the publication of "Diagnose: Akne Inversa," her book of the heart, she wrote only for herself.

As a "bookworm, ", she passionately enjoys reading her way through different genres. Her thirst for knowledge is clear through a multi-faceted career as a veterinary assistant, tax clerk, real estate agent, and caregiver for people with dementia in a senior living home.

Her books are based on professional experience, her own interests and experiences. Her focus is always on current findings, backed up by scientific work.

Triggered by a diagnosis of "acne inversa", she gains extensive knowledge of health topics. Torn between success and failure, she gets the disease "acne inversa" under control.

Just having knowledge about healthy living and proper nutrition, as well as a positive self-image, has moved mountains.

"For years, I've thought about getting my disease off my chest in a how-to book for sufferers and their loved ones. To create a book that I wished for myself 30 years ago."

Jubiläums-Set: "Diagnose: Akne Inversa" (Hidradenitis suppurativa)</a>

Jubiläums-Set: "Diagnose: Akne Inversa" (Hidradenitis suppurativa)

Jubiläums-Set: "Diagnose: Akne Inversa” & Akne Inversa Tagebuch: 2 in 1Sie leiden an schmerzhaften "Beulen" und Abszessen in den Achseln, der Leistenregion oder im Genitalbereich? Wie wäre es, wenn Sie alles, was Sie wissen müssen ganz kompakt nachlesen und anfangen könnten Akne Inversa in den Griff zu bekommen? In diesem Buch erfahren Sie alles rund um "Akne Inversa" und erhalten exklusive Einblicke in das Leben der Autorin.