Kein Foto

London, John

John London is Professor of Hispanic Studies and Director of the Centre for Catalan Studies at Queen Mary University of London. His books include Reception and Renewal in Modern Spanish Theatre (1997), Contextos de Joan Brossa (2010), and the edited volumes Theatre under the Nazis (2000) and One Hundred Years of Futurism (2017). He has translated for performance Catalan comedies by Juli Disla, Sergi Belbel, and Mercè Sarrias. Some of his own plays, such as Right (1999), The New Europe (2000), Nex (2005), and The Light Trail (2019), have attempted to incorporate humour, with uneven success.

Gabriel Sansano is Professor of Catalan at the University of Alacant (Spain). He has held visiting posts in the UK and the USA and has published widely on Catalan theatre. His books include Un cabàs de rialles: entremesos i col·loquis dramàtics del segle XVIII (2009), and he has edited Teatre, passions i (altres) insolències: lectures sobre la dramatúrgia de Manuel Molins (with Francesc Foguet, 2008), the Diccionari de la literatura valenciana actual (1968–2000) (2002), La Festa d'Elx (2016), and Silenci, oblit i preservació de la memòria democràtica: una aportació interdisciplinària (2018).

Acting Funny on the Catalan Stage</a>

Acting Funny on the Catalan Stage

Comedy has been a constant presence in the history of Catalan theatre, but it is rarely recognized as a separate generic identity, worthy of academic study as a whole. This volume is the first concentrated attempt to analyse Catalan theatre under the comic lens, with essays in English and Catalan.