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Louise, Elaine

Elaine Louise lebt zurzeit mit Ihrer Familie in der Schweiz.
High and Mighty / When it wasn’t love</a>

High and Mighty / When it wasn’t love

A desperate escape from what should have been home. Aged just eighteen, I thought of myself as an adult, grown up. I had to run, put an end to all the years of abuse and neglect I'd suffered at the hands of others.But I was wrong.  It didn't matter how far I ran, what distance I put between myself and the people who'd hurt me.

High and Mighty</a>

High and Mighty

Monsters do exist. Real monsters aren’t always obvious.Not all monsters resemble the stereotypical supernatural, mythical beast, look like the devil, or have colossus abnormalities.These monsters are far more predictable than childhood fairy tales and Hollywood movies that are simply derived from someone’s imagination, which helps brings a story to life.

High and Mighty / A Propagation of Lies</a>

High and Mighty / A Propagation of Lies

A Propagation of Lies is the thrilling sequel to High and Mighty.Life galloped me down a different path after I was taken from High and Mighty.This new path was not one of my own choosing, not my path to live. It took me downwards, into a deep, dark place, where the very people who were supposed to love me, to show me kindness and guide me, were the ones who kept me buried, suffocated and alone.