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Lyons, Tony

Dr Tony Lyons, retired lecturer in the History of Education, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.
Book Publications: The Education Work of Richard Lovell Edgeworth, Irish Educator and Inventor, 1744-1817.
Lyons, Tony & Moloney, Noel, Educational Resources in the British Empire: Examining Nineteenth Century Ireland and Literacy
Tony Lyons has contributed many articles and book chapters to various publications over the years.
Thomas Wyse 1791-1862</a>

Thomas Wyse 1791-1862

«Tony Lyons’s study restores Thomas Wyse to the prominent place where he belongs – as one of the most consequential and far-seeing educational thinkers in nineteenth century Ireland. Long a neglected figure, everybody interested in the history of Irish education will profit from this work.