Kein Foto

Lysgaard, Jes

Geb. 1967, Hypnotherapist, Author, Lecturer, Psychomotorical Therapist,

How to get rid of the Archer's Reflex</a>

How to get rid of the Archer's Reflex

Everyone who has progressed past the stage of ‘just shooting’ knows that moment of mental confusion when the subconscious mind somehow takes control over the conscious attempt to release the string steadily for accurate, repeatable shots, leaving a surprise poor shot and a sense of amnesia about what led up to it.

How to get rid of the Archer's Reflex</a>

How to get rid of the Archer's Reflex

Everyone who has progressed past the stage of ‘just shooting’ knows that moment of mental confusion when the subconscious mind somehow takes control over the conscious attempt to release the string steadily for accurate, repeatable shots, leaving a surprise poor shot and a sense of amnesia about what led up to it.

Instinktiv bueskydning 2</a>

Instinktiv bueskydning 2

Instinktiv bueskydning er blevet mere og mere populært blandt bueskytter. Buen skydes uden sigtemidler og kræver en del træning for at det fungerer rigtigt. desuden kræver det at buen og pilene er trimmet rigtigt til skytten. Jes Lysgaard tager dig gennem teknikken og trimningen så du kan få det optimale ud af din skydning - uanset om du er begynder, øvet eller underviser andre i bueskydningens ædle kunst.