Kein Foto

Macartney, Huw

Huw Macartney is Associate Professor in Political Economy at the University of Birmingham, UK.

Johnna Montgomerie is Professor of International Political Economy at Kings College London, UK.

Daniela Tepe is Senior Lecturer in Political Economy at the University of Liverpool, UK.

The Fault Lines of Inequality</a>

The Fault Lines of Inequality

This book examines how decisions made by the Conservative government during the COVID19 pandemic have increased economic inequality in the UK. Decades of austerity, asset-based welfare and financialization had already exacerbated social divisions in the UK prior to the pandemic.

The Fault Lines of Inequality</a>

The Fault Lines of Inequality

This book examines how decisions made by the Conservative government during the COVID19 pandemic have increased economic inequality in the UK. Decades of austerity, asset-based welfare and financialization had already exacerbated social divisions in the UK prior to the pandemic.