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MacDonald, Scott B.

Scott B. MacDonald is the Chief Economist for Smith's Research & Gradings, a Global Americans Research Fellow, and a founding member and Fellow of the Caribbean Policy Consortium. 
The New Cold War, China, and the Caribbean</a>

The New Cold War, China, and the Caribbean

This book examines the slide into a new Cold War in the Caribbean. The primary argument is that the Caribbean’s geopolitics have shifted from a period of relative great power disinterest in the aftermath of the Cold War to a gradual movement into a new Cold War in which a global rivalry between the U.

The New Cold War, China, and the Caribbean</a>

The New Cold War, China, and the Caribbean

This book examines the slide into a new Cold War in the Caribbean. The primary argument is that the Caribbean’s geopolitics have shifted from a period of relative great power disinterest in the aftermath of the Cold War to a gradual movement into a new Cold War in which a global rivalry between the U.

The New Cold War, China, and the Caribbean</a>

The New Cold War, China, and the Caribbean

This book examines the slide into a new Cold War in the Caribbean. The primary argument is that the Caribbean’s geopolitics have shifted from a period of relative great power disinterest in the aftermath of the Cold War to a gradual movement into a new Cold War in which a global rivalry between the U.