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Macnamara, Jim

Jim Macnamara, PhD is a Distinguished Professor of Public Communication in the School of Communication at the University of Technology Sydney. He is internationally recognized as a leader in evaluation of public communication and for his pioneering studies into organizational listening. He is the author of 16 books and almost 100 book chapters and journal articles and a sought-after keynote speaker.

* Professor Nick Couldry in Foreword to Macnamara J. (2017). Creating a democracy for everyone: Strategies for increasing listening and engagement by government. London School of Economics and Political Science and University of Technology Sydney

Organizational Listening II</a>

Organizational Listening II

The first edition of this book (2016) broke new ground by identifying organizational listening as a major gap in public communication studies and practice. This entirely new edition substantially expands the concept, theory, and practice. Organizational Listening II reports the research findings of the author’s Organizational Listening Project undertaken since the first edition, as well as findings from a number of other researchers who have entered this emerging field.