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Mahmoudi, Hoda

Hoda Mahmoudi is Research Professor and Chair, The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace, University of Maryland, USA.

Michael Allen is Professor and Chair of Political Science on the Harvey Wexler Chair in Political Science, and Co-Director of International Studies, Bryn Mawr College, USA.

Kate Seaman is Assistant Director, The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace, University of Maryland, USA. 

Fundamental Challenges to Global Peace and Security</a>

Fundamental Challenges to Global Peace and Security

This book challenges the current thinking and strategies in the field of global peace and security. It is clear that current global public and private institutions are inadequate for the challenges we face today. These challenges cut across borders and require a more coordinated and concerted effort to find workable solutions.

Fundamental Challenges to Global Peace and Security</a>

Fundamental Challenges to Global Peace and Security

This book challenges the current thinking and strategies in the field of global peace and security. It is clear that current global public and private institutions are inadequate for the challenges we face today. These challenges cut across borders and require a more coordinated and concerted effort to find workable solutions.

Fundamental Challenges to Global Peace and Security</a>

Fundamental Challenges to Global Peace and Security

This book challenges the current thinking and strategies in the field of global peace and security. It is clear that current global public and private institutions are inadequate for the challenges we face today. These challenges cut across borders and require a more coordinated and concerted effort to find workable solutions.