Kein Foto

Maresca, John J.

John J. Maresca spent a career as an American diplomat and negotiator. As an international conflict mediator, he travelled in war zones and was nick-named "Full Metal Jack" by his colleagues in Washington.

The Unknown Peace Agreement</a>

The Unknown Peace Agreement

The “Joint Declaration of Twenty-two States,” signed in Paris on November 19, 1990 by the Chiefs of State or Government of all the countries which participated in World War Two in Europe, is the closest document we will ever have to a true “peace treaty” concluding World War II in Europe.

The Russian Operation</a>

The Russian Operation

A fearless diplomat. A dangerous mission. And only one way out.Joey Torino would be out-of-the-mould in almost any career. He is tough, independent, and doesn't shy away from confrontation. But he is an American diplomat, who has recently been suspended and recalled to Washington because of his involvement in a fight while assigned to the US embassy in Moscow.