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Marhold, Hartmut

Hartmut Marhold is Honorary Professor at the University of Cologne and Senior
Research Fellow at CIFE; he teaches at the Turkish-German University in Istanbul.
Hartmut specialises in the history of European Integration and German European
politics and teaches the course “Emergence and Evolution of the Concept of Sustainable
Development” within CIFE’s Joint Master in EU Trade and Climate Diplomacy. From
2002 until 2013, he served as Director General of CIFE.

Europe Day</a>

Europe Day

One might be forgiven for thinking that the founding of The European Union is notexactly the stu that myths are made of? Not at all, for here it comes – though it isnot a myth, but a real story that only sounds like a myth: The 9th of May 1950 was theday when the destiny of European integration (began to take) took shape, with thedeclaration by the French foreign Minister Robert Schuman, aiming at the creation ofa European Coal and Steel Community.