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Martin, Andrew

Andrew Martin is an English chess player with the title of International Master. He has won various national and international tournaments and was a commentator on the chess world championship between Kasparov and Kramnik in 2000. He is known as a professional chess teacher and head trainer of the English youth team. He is a chess columnist, an author of chess books and the author of various instructional videos. He was the publisher of the series Trends Publications. Andrew Martin has recorded extensively for Chessbase since 2004.
How to play the Open Sicilian</a>

How to play the Open Sicilian

The Sicilian Defence is one of the most popular and sharpest replies to 1.e4. After 1.e4 c5, an exciting, unbalanced position is assured, where Black can play for a win from the very start of the game. The Open Sicilian describes all variations where White plays an early d2-d4.

The Sharp Scandinavian with 3…Qd6</a>

The Sharp Scandinavian with 3…Qd6

„Easy to learn and easy to play.“ These are the twin pillars on which the Modern Scandinavian has been built and which club players have trusted and profited from over the past few decades. Which line should Black adopt after 1 e4 d5 2 exd5 Qxd5 3 Nc3? Here we focus on the sharp 3.