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Marushiakova, Elena

Elena Marushiakova and Vesselin Popov have worked in the field of Romani studies for more than four decades and published widely on Roma in Bulgaria, the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. They are presently working at the University of St Andrews, UK.
Roma Portraits in History</a>

Roma Portraits in History

The book presents the life, visions and activities of the nascent Roma civic elite who initiated the movement for Roma civic emancipation. The book Roma Portraits in History, in the form of individual portraits, presents the life trajectory, visions and specific actions put forward by the nascent Roma elite and its leading representatives concerning the present and future of their community.

Roma Portraits in History</a>

Roma Portraits in History

The book presents the life, visions and activities of the nascent Roma civic elite who initiated the movement for Roma civic emancipation. The book Roma Portraits in History, in the form of individual portraits, presents the life trajectory, visions and specific actions put forward by the nascent Roma elite and its leading representatives concerning the present and future of their community.