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Meißner, Anne

Prof. Dr. Anne Meißner, Professorin für Pflege und Versorgungsorganisation an der Universität Hildesheim, Sprecherin der Sektion Entwicklung und Folgen von Technik in der Pflege der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaft, derzeit als Expertin für Deutschland in der Joint Programming Initative "More Years Better Lives" für das BMBF berufen.
Prof. Dr. Christophe Kunze, Professor für Assistive Gesundheitstechnologien in der Fakultät Gesundheit, Sicherheit, Gesellschaft an der Hochschule Furtwangen, Vorstand des Forschungsinstituts Mensch, Technik und Teilhabe (IMTT) an der Hochschule Furtwangen, Mitglied in der Fachgruppe "Mensch-Technik-Interaktion" im BW Centre for Applied Research (BW-CAR) und Mitgründer der nubedian Software GmbH.

Neue Technologien in der Pflege</a>

Neue Technologien in der Pflege

The digitalization of professional nursing is part of the rapid technological developments that are taking place worldwide. Digitalization has long since entered the world of work and private life. We=re currently in the second wave of digitalization and are about to enter the third.

Neue Technologien in der Pflege</a>

Neue Technologien in der Pflege

The digitalization of professional nursing is part of the rapid technological developments that are taking place worldwide. Digitalization has long since entered the world of work and private life. We=re currently in the second wave of digitalization and are about to enter the third.

Neue Technologien in der Pflege</a>

Neue Technologien in der Pflege

The digitalization of professional nursing is part of the rapid technological developments that are taking place worldwide. Digitalization has long since entered the world of work and private life. We=re currently in the second wave of digitalization and are about to enter the third.