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Merkel, Michael

Michael Merkel wurde 1969 in München geboren. Er ist seit 1991 verheiratet, hat zwei erwachsene, inzwischen ebenfalls verheiratete Kinder sowie zwei Enkelkinder. Sein Wohnsitz ist südlich von München im oberbayerischen Holzkirchen. Nach dem Studium der theoretischen Physik entschied er sich gegen eine Forschungskarriere und wechselte stattdessen in die Wirtschaft. Seit über 25 Jahren arbeitet er in einem großen Versicherungskonzern, aktuell als Führungskraft im zentralen Risikomanagement. Neben Familie und Beruf liebt Michael Merkel die Natur, hat eine große Vorliebe für Sport (z.B. Ultralaufen) und interessiert sich besonders für die »großen Fragen des Lebens« im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Glauben.

(Michael Merkel was born in Munich in 1969. He has been married since 1991, has two grown-up children, who are now also married, and two grandchildren. He lives south of Munich in Warngau, Upper Bavaria.
After studying theoretical physics, he decided against a career in research and instead switched to business. He has been working for a large insurance company for over 25 years, currently as a manager in central risk management. In addition to family and career, Michael Merkel loves nature, has a great fondness for sports (e.g. ultra running) and is particularly interested in the »big questions of life« in the area of tension between science and faith.)
Pillars of a Mature Worldview</a>

Pillars of a Mature Worldview

Our worldview determines our perception of reality and thus shapes our attitude to life and the way we live. If our worldview adequately reflects reality, we can lead an authentic and meaningful life that we will later look back on with satisfaction. A mature worldview is much more than the accumulation of facts and experiences.

Pillars of a Mature Worldview</a>

Pillars of a Mature Worldview

Our worldview determines our perception of reality and thus shapes our attitude to life and the way we live. If our worldview adequately reflects reality, we can lead an authentic and meaningful life that we will later look back on with satisfaction. A mature worldview is much more than the accumulation of facts and experiences.