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Michaels, Jordan

Author of the book
Launching Innovations</a>

Launching Innovations

In "Launching Innovations: A Strategic Guide to MVP Creation and Crowdfunding Mastery," Jordan Michaels delivers a comprehensive roadmap for entrepreneurs eager to bring their visions to life. This guide demystifies the process of developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and launching successful crowdfunding campaigns, with a special focus on leveraging platforms like Kickstarter to maximize visibility and funding.

Launching Innovations</a>

Launching Innovations

In "Launching Innovations: A Strategic Guide to MVP Creation and Crowdfunding Mastery," Jordan Michaels delivers a comprehensive roadmap for entrepreneurs eager to bring their visions to life. This guide demystifies the process of developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and launching successful crowdfunding campaigns, with a special focus on leveraging platforms like Kickstarter to maximize visibility and funding.