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Milner Davis, Jessica

Jessica Milner Davis FRSN is a member of Clare Hall Cambridge, UK; a research associate at the University of Sydney, Australia, and Brunel University’s Centre for Comedy Studies Research, UK; and past President of the International Society for Humor Studies. 
Sharyn Roach Anleu is Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia; a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia; and past President of The Australian Sociological Association. 

Satire and Politics</a>

Satire and Politics

This book examines the multi-media explosion of contemporary political satire. Rooted in 18th century Augustan practice, satire’s indelible link with politics underlies today’s universal disgust with the ways of elected politicians. This study interrogates the impact of British and American satirical media on political life, with a special focus on political cartoons and the levelling humour of Australasian satirists.

Satire and Politics</a>

Satire and Politics

This book examines the multi-media explosion of contemporary political satire. Rooted in 18th century Augustan practice, satire’s indelible link with politics underlies today’s universal disgust with the ways of elected politicians. This study interrogates the impact of British and American satirical media on political life, with a special focus on political cartoons and the levelling humour of Australasian satirists.