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Minakov, Mykhailo

Dr. Mikhail Minakov is Senior Advisor at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington, DC, as well as editor of the Kennan Institute’s blog Ukraine Focus. He is also editor of the Ideology and Politics Journal and the philosophical website Koine. Among Minakov’s recent books are From “The Ukraine” to Ukraine (co-edited with Georgii Kasianov and Matthew Rojansky, ibidem-Verlag 2021), Post-Soviet Secessionism (co-edited with Daria Isachenko and Gwendolyn Sasse, ibidem-Verlag 2021), The Dialectics of Modernity in Eastern Europe (in Russian, Laurus 2020), and Development and Dystopia (ibidem-Verlag 2018). His over 120 articles have appeared in, among other journals, Russian Politics and Law, Protest, Southeastern Europe, Transit, Studi slavistici, Mondo economico, Porownania, Neprikosnovennyi zapas, Sententiae, Krytyka, Agora, Ukraina moderna, and Filosofska dumka.
Philosophy Unchained</a>

Philosophy Unchained

The East European nations’ common past in the Soviet Union connects them in terms of both their political histories and the evolution of their philosophical thought. The USSR’s dissolution created new opportunities, domestic and international, in science, politics, and business.