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Monaco, Edoardo

Dr. Edoardo Monaco’s holistic understanding of global dynamics is the combined result of his rich and diverse academic background – spanning from law to international relations, from development economics to international management and sustainability – and his extensive international experience. Besides studying across Italy (Bologna), France (ICN), the USA (Harvard), the UK (Cambridge, Oxford), and China (Yunnan), Dr. Monaco has lived for almost two decades in Asia, working – both within and beyond academia – and conducting research in a vast array of locations, including China, Bhutan, India, Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Philippines, as well as Central and Eastern Africa. His teaching and research interests broadly concern the political economy of development, sustainability, and the rise of the Global South, with particular regard to holistic development paradigms and their measurement, sustainable economic growth, diversification, and inclusion. Dr. Monaco currently serves as Associate Professor at the Globalisation and Development (GAD) Programme and as Associate Head of Department at the Department of Social Sciences (DSS), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS), Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (BNU-HKBU UIC) in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China. Since 2020, he has also held the role of assessor within the Business Sustainability Management online programme of GetSmarter and Cambridge University’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). From 2021, he has been a member of the China Association for the Club of Rome. Dr. Monaco’s articles and op-eds have featured on multiple global media platforms, and he regularly collaborates with intergovernmental organisations, international think tanks, and consulting firms. 
Global Trends Compendium</a>

Global Trends Compendium

This Compendium was conceived as a “pocket compass”, a practical guide that may help readers to orientate themselves while they explore global affairs and attempt to make sense of the highly interconnected, multidimensional challenges of contemporary human development.

Global Trends Compendium</a>

Global Trends Compendium

This Compendium was conceived as a “pocket compass”, a practical guide that may help readers to orientate themselves while they explore global affairs and attempt to make sense of the highly interconnected, multidimensional challenges of contemporary human development.

Global Trends Compendium</a>

Global Trends Compendium

This Compendium was conceived as a “pocket compass”, a practical guide that may help readers to orientate themselves while they explore global affairs and attempt to make sense of the highly interconnected, multidimensional challenges of contemporary human development.