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Moyo, Gorden

Gorden Moyo is Senior Lecturer at Lupane State University, Zimbabwe. He is also Founder of an independent think tank—the Public Policy and Research Institute of Zimbabwe (PPRIZ). He received his Ph.D. in African Leadership Development from the National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe. He is Former Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, and Former Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals, Zimbabwe. He has edited three books and published several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. 

Making Politics in Zimbabwe’s Second Republic</a>

Making Politics in Zimbabwe’s Second Republic

The book provides a fresh and innovative interpretation of the new government of Zimbabwe led by Emmerson Mnangagwa, which emerged in late 2017 after the downfall of Robert Mugabe. It demonstrates the contradictory character of the Mnangagwa government, involving both continuities and discontinuities in relation to Mugabe’s regime .

Making Politics in Zimbabwe's Second Republic</a>

Making Politics in Zimbabwe's Second Republic

The book provides a fresh and innovative interpretation of the new government of Zimbabwe led by Emmerson Mnangagwa, which emerged in late 2017 after the downfall of Robert Mugabe. It demonstrates the contradictory character of the Mnangagwa government, involving both continuities and discontinuities in relation to Mugabe’s regime .

Making Politics in Zimbabwe's Second Republic</a>

Making Politics in Zimbabwe's Second Republic

The book provides a fresh and innovative interpretation of the new government of Zimbabwe led by Emmerson Mnangagwa, which emerged in late 2017 after the downfall of Robert Mugabe. It demonstrates the contradictory character of the Mnangagwa government, involving both continuities and discontinuities in relation to Mugabe’s regime .

African Agency, Finance and Developmental States</a>

African Agency, Finance and Developmental States

This book is an open invitation to the enterprise of re-imagining an alternative decolonial development project in Africa. It does this by focusing on the triple themes of African agency, development finance, and African developmental states in the context of an emerging multipolar world system.