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Münzel, Mark

Prof. Dr. Mark Münzel lehrte Völkerkunde an der Universität Marburg.

Indigene Religionen Südamerikas</a>

Indigene Religionen Südamerikas

There are three apparently contradictory aspects that define the religious features of South America: traditionally strong Catholicism, Protestant and Pentecostal denominations that have gained strength since the 19th century, and religions of pre-Columbian origin that have survived and developed further.

Indigene Religionen Südamerikas</a>

Indigene Religionen Südamerikas

There are three apparently contradictory aspects that define the religious features of South America: traditionally strong Catholicism, Protestant and Pentecostal denominations that have gained strength since the 19th century, and religions of pre-Columbian origin that have survived and developed further.