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Mukashema, Immaculée

Immaculée Mukashema is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Rwanda. Dr. Mukashema’s research specializations include public health, social pathology, family and marital conflict (and well-being), mental health, counseling, reconciliation sentiment and guilt attribution.

Psychosocial Well-Being and Mental Health of Individuals in Marital and in Family Relationships in Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda</a>

Psychosocial Well-Being and Mental Health of Individuals in Marital and in Family Relationships in Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda

This book provides an in-depth examination of psychosocial marital well-being and mental health in traditional communities in Rwanda. It presents rich qualitative research conducted with men, women and elders, highlighting both the issues impacting on marital conflict and domestic violence, and also how potential solutions might be drawn from traditional practices.