Kein Foto

Nagatomi, Kazuaki

Kazuaki Nagatomi has taught at Kyoto University, Ryukoku University and Keio University in Japan.  Prior to this, he completed his study with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Department of Politics at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, after graduating from the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University in Japan.  He has published many books and articles, including a single-authored book entitled Independent Success in Mayoral Elections in England: A Study of Factors Contributing to the Candidates’ Success.


The Operation of the Japanese Electoral System since 1994</a>

The Operation of the Japanese Electoral System since 1994

This research explores one of the baffling mysteries in contemporary non-Western democracies.  The conversion to a mixed system of the first-past-the-post system and proportional representation for the Japanese House of Representatives in 1994 has not realised the widely spread desire for recurrent changes of government, as the Liberal Democratic Party have maintained their grip.