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Nagi, Ayman Mansoor Abdulmajid

Ayman Nagi was a research associate in the Institute of Business Logistics and General Management at the Hamburg University of Technology. His research and PhD focused on Risk Management in seaports. Previously, he has worked in the fields of Quality, Production and Risk Management with different international as well as national companies in Germany and Jordan. He received his M.Sc. in International Production Management from the Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) and his MBA in Technology Management from the Northern Institute of Technology Management (Germany) in 2017.
Cooperative Risk Management in Seaports</a>

Cooperative Risk Management in Seaports

Seaports are critical links within supply chains that are often located near residential areas. These seaports can be directly affected by the consequences of operational risk sources and natural disasters. The diversity and large number of stakeholders at seaports add another level of complexity for risk management that requires a standard approach and clear guidelines.