Kein Foto

Ndlovu, Christopher

Christopher Ndlovu has a PhD in Science Education from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and is currently a Senior Lecturer and Chairperson in the Department of Educational Foundations at Lupane State University in Zimbabwe. He has published 9 research papers and a book chapter.
Edward Shizha has a PhD in Sociology of Education from the University of Alberta in Canada and is a Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. He has published 12 books and several chapters and articles on indigenous knowledges and their incorporation in education in Africa.
The Dynamics of African Indigenous Knowledge Systems</a>

The Dynamics of African Indigenous Knowledge Systems

This book discusses the pivotal role of African indigenous knowledge systems (AIKS) in promoting, enhancing, and sustaining livelihoods in Africa. The authors argue that AIKS are of central importance in the development of sustainable livelihoods, particularly in rural communities.