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Nwankwọ, Izuu

IIzuu Nwankwọ is a researcher, teacher, and writer. He translated Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall into the Igbo language: Ihe Aghasaa (2007) and authored the books Yabbing and Wording: The Artistry of Nigerian Stand-up Comedy and Humour and Politics in Africa (co-authored with Daniel Hammett and Laura S. Martin).

Stand-up Comedy in Africa</a>

Stand-up Comedy in Africa

African cultural productions of humour have increased even in the face of myriad economic foibles and social upheavals. For instance, from the 1990s, stand-up comedy emerged across the continent and has maintained a pervasive presence since then. Its specificities are related to contemporary economic and political contexts and are also drawn from its pre-colonial history, that of joking forms and relationships, and orality.