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Öztürk, Mustafa

Dr. Mustafa Öztürk is an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and an EFL Instructor at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. He is also an international research fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Futures at Teachers College of Columbia University, New York, USA and a Peace Fellow at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand as a recipient of 2021 Rotary Peace Fellowship. He holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Middle East Technical University, Turkey. He completed a non-degree postgraduate study in Learning, Learning Environments and Educational Systems at University of Turku, Finland. He conducted his postdoctoral research at Teachers College of Columbia University on empowering ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) competencies in teacher education. With his research initiatives on ESD, he was awarded the Human Development Research Award by Koç University UNESCO Chair, Turkey. In 2019, he was given the title of Associate Professor by Turkish Council of Higher Education owing to his publications and research activities.

Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for SDGs in Emerging Economies</a>

Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for SDGs in Emerging Economies

This volume analyzes cases from emerging economies in relation to the global endeavor to promote the vision of sustainable development in all forms of education. It aims to discuss the significance of hearing local voices and understanding local discourse regarding strategies for action for change, and the role of educational systems as a means to communicate, promote and educate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Engagement with Sustainable Development in Higher Education</a>

Engagement with Sustainable Development in Higher Education

This edited volume analyzes cases of higher education programs engaging with sustainable development. Offering cases from across the globe that focus on the role of universities in promoting societal transformations and building sustainable futures, the volume specifically discusses how higher education institutions can educate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for SDGs in Emerging Economies</a>

Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for SDGs in Emerging Economies

This volume analyzes cases from emerging economies in relation to the global endeavor to promote the vision of sustainable development in all forms of education. It aims to discuss the significance of hearing local voices and understanding local discourse regarding strategies for action for change, and the role of educational systems as a means to communicate, promote and educate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Engagement with Sustainable Development in Higher Education</a>

Engagement with Sustainable Development in Higher Education

This edited volume analyzes cases of higher education programs engaging with sustainable development. Offering cases from across the globe that focus on the role of universities in promoting societal transformations and building sustainable futures, the volume specifically discusses how higher education institutions can educate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for SDGs in Emerging Economies</a>

Educational Response, Inclusion and Empowerment for SDGs in Emerging Economies

This volume analyzes cases from emerging economies in relation to the global endeavor to promote the vision of sustainable development in all forms of education. It aims to discuss the significance of hearing local voices and understanding local discourse regarding strategies for action for change, and the role of educational systems as a means to communicate, promote and educate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Engagement with Sustainable Development in Higher Education</a>

Engagement with Sustainable Development in Higher Education

This edited volume analyzes cases of higher education programs engaging with sustainable development. Offering cases from across the globe that focus on the role of universities in promoting societal transformations and building sustainable futures, the volume specifically discusses how higher education institutions can educate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).