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Olgiati, Valerio

Valerio Olgiatistudierte Architektur an der ETH Zürich, arbeitete als Architekt in Los Angeles, seit 1996 eigenes Architekturbüro, zunächst in Zürich, seit 2008 in Flims. Er untersichtete als Gastprofessor an der ETH Zürich, an der AA London und an der Cornell University, New York. Seit 2002 ist er Professor an der Accademia die architettura in Mendrisio, von Herbst 2009 bis Frühjahr 2010 führte er in Harvard den Kenzo Tange-Chair. Im Herbst 2011 hielt er Vorlesungen an der Tokio University.

Olgiati | Vortrag
Ein Vortrag von Valerio Olgiati

Olgiati, Valerio

Olgiati | Vortrag

Mit der Schule in Paspel, dem "Gelben Haus" in Flims und dem Atelier Bardill wurde Valerio Olgiati zum Star der jüngeren Architektengeneration in der Schweiz, dessen Bauten auch international vielfach ausgezeichnet worden sind. Die Publikation beschreibt anschaulich wie der Architekt Olgiati seine Projekte entwickelt, welche Parameter seinen Entwurfsprozess beeinflussen und aus welchen intellektuellen Kontext er wirkt.

Olgiati | Lecture
A Lecture by Valerio Olgiati

Olgiati, Valerio

Olgiati | Lecture

The Graubünden-based architect Valerio Olgiati has become well-known outside Switzerland for such buildings as his school building in Paspels and the Atelier Bardill in Scharans, but not least for his Yellow House and his studio in Flims. In the form of a wellillustrated essay, the architect explains how he develops his projects, the parameters that influence his design process, and the intellectual context from which he works.

Olgiati | Conferenza
Una Conferenza di Valerio Olgiati

Olgiati, Valerio

Olgiati | Conferenza

The Graubünden-based architect Valerio Olgiati has become well-known outside Switzerland for such buildings as his school building in Paspels and the Atelier Bardill in Scharans, but not least for his Yellow House and his studio in Flims. In the form of a wellillustrated essay, the architect explains how he develops his projects, the parameters that influence his design process, and the intellectual context from which he works.

Olgiati | Conferencia</a>

Olgiati | Conferencia

The Graubünden-based architect Valerio Olgiati has become well-known outside Switzerland for such buildings as his school building in Paspels and the Atelier Bardill in Scharans, but not least for his Yellow House and his studio in Flims. In the form of a wellillustrated essay, the architect explains how he develops his projects, the parameters that influence his design process, and the intellectual context from which he works.