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Ollendorf, Franziska

Franziska Ollendorf is a research associate in the working group Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries (SusLAND) at the Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). Her research centers on sustainability governance and institutional conditions for a sustainability transition in the agricultural sector, with a particular focus on the global cocoa-chocolate value chain.
The Transformative Potential of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Cocoa-Chocolate Chain</a>

The Transformative Potential of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Cocoa-Chocolate Chain

This book engages with the implications of an expanding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Transnational Corporations in their supply chains. Taking the case of a cocoa sustainability certification project in Ghana, the study examines the implementation process of such a transnational CSR intervention and its outcomes regarding the local governance and institutional environment of the cocoa sector in Ghana.

The Transformative Potential of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Cocoa-Chocolate Chain</a>

The Transformative Potential of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Cocoa-Chocolate Chain

This book engages with the implications of an expanding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Transnational Corporations in their supply chains. Taking the case of a cocoa sustainability certification project in Ghana, the study examines the implementation process of such a transnational CSR intervention and its outcomes regarding the local governance and institutional environment of the cocoa sector in Ghana.