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Pabst, Martin

Dr. Martin Pabst ist freier Journalist und Publizist und leitet das Institut Forschung und Politikberatung München.

Arabischer Frühling ohne Sommer?</a>

Arabischer Frühling ohne Sommer?

Als zum Jahreswechsel 2010/11 immer mehr Menschen in Tunesien auf die Straße gingen, um gegen das autokratische Regime und die schlechten Lebensbedingungen zu demonstrieren, wurde rasch eine Protestwelle in fast allen arabischen Ländern ausgelöst. Schon bald war voller Optimismus von einem "Arabischen Frühling" die Rede.

Arabischer Frühling ohne Sommer?</a>

Arabischer Frühling ohne Sommer?

When the population took to the streets of Tunisia on 17 December 2010 to protest against the autocratic regime and living conditions, it resulted not only in the overthrow of the country=s own government: it went on to trigger further protests in rapid succession in other Arab countries such as Algeria and Egypt.

Arabischer Frühling ohne Sommer?</a>

Arabischer Frühling ohne Sommer?

When the population took to the streets of Tunisia on 17 December 2010 to protest against the autocratic regime and living conditions, it resulted not only in the overthrow of the country=s own government: it went on to trigger further protests in rapid succession in other Arab countries such as Algeria and Egypt.

Arabischer Frühling ohne Sommer?</a>

Arabischer Frühling ohne Sommer?

When the population took to the streets of Tunisia on 17 December 2010 to protest against the autocratic regime and living conditions, it resulted not only in the overthrow of the country=s own government: it went on to trigger further protests in rapid succession in other Arab countries such as Algeria and Egypt.