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Pennisi, Giulia Adriana

Giulia A. Pennisi studied Political Science and International Relations at the University of Palermo where she works at the chair of English Language and Translation. She holds a M.A. in Comparative Literature, Michigan State University (USA). She is Associate Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), University of London, where she is responsible for the "Legislation and Language" project. Her research is focused on specialized languages with a particular attention to the lexico-grammatical and textual analysis of discourse genres within multilingual and multicultural contexts.
A linguistic Insight into Legislative Drafting</a>

A linguistic Insight into Legislative Drafting

The main assumption proposed in this book is that legislative drafting represents an example of professional discourse, where the propositions of specialized information is translated into meanings, and such meanings are given as input to the rules and strategies of grammatical formulation.