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Petik, Iaroslav

Iaroslav Petik studied philosophy in Kyiv and Tartu. His articles have appeared in, among other outlets, Humanitarnii vizii, Hileia: Naukovyy visnyk, Global Journal of Arts Humanity and Social Sciences, Sciences of Europe, Global Journal of Engineering and Technology, Addaiyan Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Sophia, and Practical Philosophy.
Politics and Society in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (1917–1921) and Contemporary Ukraine (2013–2022)</a>

Politics and Society in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (1917–1921) and Contemporary Ukraine (2013–2022)

This monograph explores the recent political history of Ukraine from a novel diachronic and comparative point of view. A largely unknown period of history for non-Ukrainians, the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UPR), which emerged at the end of World War I, is today still a hot topic for Ukrainians.