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Pham, Susann

Susann Pham (Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Manchester, UK) holds a position as Visiting Assistant Professor at Bilkent University, Ankara, Türkiye. Her research interests include southern social movements, political ideologies and decolonial, Marxist and state theories. At Bilkent University, she teaches sociology courses among other topics.

Vietnam’s Dissidents</a>

Vietnam’s Dissidents

This book is the first ethnography on Vietnam’s contemporary dissident movement. As a country that became known and is still remembered as one of the last remnants of Communist revolutions, Vietnam has managed to lift itself from one of the poorest war-torn post-colonies to one of the fastest growing market economies in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam’s Dissidents</a>

Vietnam’s Dissidents

This book is the first ethnography on Vietnam’s contemporary dissident movement. As a country that became known and is still remembered as one of the last remnants of Communist revolutions, Vietnam has managed to lift itself from one of the poorest war-torn post-colonies to one of the fastest growing market economies in Southeast Asia.