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Pietropaoli, Matteo

Matteo Pietropaoli is Adjunct Professor of Political Sociology at Link Campus University of Rome, Italy. He obtained a PhD in Philosophy in 2013 at Sapienza University of Rome and then spent research periods at the Sorbonne Université de Paris, the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg and the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. Author of numerous essays in national and international scientific journals, as well as books and translations, from 2018 to 2021 he worked as political-legislative consultant for the Ministry of Education, University and Research (with prof. Lorenzo Fioramonti as Minister) and for the Chamber of Deputies.
Individualism and the Rise of Egosystems</a>

Individualism and the Rise of Egosystems

This book is a socio-philosophical journey across several aspects of our society’s focus on individual freedom, taking cues from some of the most prominent thinkers of our time. The auhtor posits that the human quest for freedom (mostly dominated by the Western culture but by no means confined to the West) has reached its ultimate paradox of making contemporary humans fundamentally unable to act as ecosystems (thus cooperate and collaborate).

Individualism and the Rise of Egosystems</a>

Individualism and the Rise of Egosystems

This book is a socio-philosophical journey across several aspects of our society’s focus on individual freedom, taking cues from some of the most prominent thinkers of our time. The auhtor posits that the human quest for freedom (mostly dominated by the Western culture but by no means confined to the West) has reached its ultimate paradox of making contemporary humans fundamentally unable to act as ecosystems (thus cooperate and collaborate).