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Ping, Zhou

Zhou Ping obtained a doctoral degree in law from East China Normal University. He is currently a professor, doctoral supervisor and head of the Department of Political Science at Yunnan University. He mainly engages in political theory, ethnic politics, local government and border governance research. He has successively presided over more than ten scientific research projects. He has written eight monographs including Political Development of Hong Kong (1980-2004), Ethnic Politics and Research on China's Border Governance. He has published 124 academic papers.

A Study of Inter-Ethnic Political Integration in Multi-ethnic States</a>

A Study of Inter-Ethnic Political Integration in Multi-ethnic States

Inter-ethnic political integration is a major theoretical and practical problem which is increasingly prominent in the political reality of multi-ethnic countries. This book is the final result of a special study on inter-ethnic political integration, emphasizing and proving the basic concepts and questions of inter-ethnic political integration, constructing a theoretical system of inter-ethnic political integration, forming a theoretical framework of inter-ethnic political integration, and thus promoting the healthy development of inter-ethnic political integration research.