Kein Foto

Porto de Oliveira, Osmany

Osmany Porto de Oliveira is Assistant Professor in the International Relations Department at the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Giulia C. Romano is Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of East-Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Brazil and China in Knowledge and Policy Transfer</a>

Brazil and China in Knowledge and Policy Transfer

This book examines knowledge and policy transfer from the perspectives of Brazil and China. It assesses how these two nations have emerged as providers of ideas and models that contribute to the global offer of public policies. With a variety of case studies in areas such as health, food security and infrastructure, the volume offers new insights into the distinct levels through which knowledge and policy transfers take place, including the local, regional, national and supranational.

Brazil and China in Knowledge and Policy Transfer</a>

Brazil and China in Knowledge and Policy Transfer

This book examines knowledge and policy transfer from the perspectives of Brazil and China. It assesses how these two nations have emerged as providers of ideas and models that contribute to the global offer of public policies. With a variety of case studies in areas such as health, food security and infrastructure, the volume offers new insights into the distinct levels through which knowledge and policy transfers take place, including the local, regional, national and supranational.