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Prola, Liviana

Liviana Prola is a research scientist at the Department of Veterinary Science at Turin University, Italy. A doctor of veterinary science, she also has a PhD in Animal Nutrition, is a diplomat at the European College of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, and runs a pet nutrition consultancy service for pet-food companies, vets, and animal owners. She is also president of the Italian Society of Animal Nutrition.

Fütter mich</a>

Fütter mich

Kochen für den besten Freund des Menschen. Der Grundsatz „Man ist, was man isst“ gilt nämlich sowohl für Mensch als auch Hund. Der Vierbeiner ist für Hundebesitzer ein wertvolles Familienmitglied, dessen Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden eine wichtige Rolle spielen.

Feed Me</a>

Feed Me

An informative and practical guide to cooking healthy, nutritious meals for dogsTo dog owners, their pets are regarded as cherished members of the family, and they care about their health and well-being as they would that of a human. And, as with humans, animal illness is often traced to a poor diet, commonly caused by processed food made with preservatives.