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Pulm, Markus

Dr. Markus Pulm ist stellvertretender Leiter der Feuerwehr Karlsruhe.

Falsche Taktik - Große Schäden</a>

Falsche Taktik - Große Schäden

This book reveals all sorts of firefighting operations from a completely new perspective. Things that have been previously taken for granted are called into question. Numerous examples are used to show how the quality of the fire brigade=s work can be substantially improved.

Falsche Taktik - Große Schäden</a>

Falsche Taktik - Große Schäden

This book reveals all sorts of firefighting operations from a completely new perspective. Things that have been previously taken for granted are called into question. Numerous examples are used to show how the quality of the fire brigade=s work can be substantially improved.

Falsche Taktik - Große Schäden</a>

Falsche Taktik - Große Schäden

This book reveals all sorts of firefighting operations from a completely new perspective. Things that have been previously taken for granted are called into question. Numerous examples are used to show how the quality of the fire brigade=s work can be substantially improved.

Falsche Taktik - Große Schäden</a>

Falsche Taktik - Große Schäden

This book reveals all sorts of firefighting operations from a completely new perspective. Things that have been previously taken for granted are called into question. Numerous examples are used to show how the quality of the fire brigade=s work can be substantially improved.

Einsatztaktik für Führungskräfte</a>

Einsatztaktik für Führungskräfte

Führungskräfte der Feuerwehren bekommen ihr taktisches Grundwissen an den Landesfeuerwehrschulen vermittelt. Dieses wird dann bei Übungen und Einsätzen weiter vertieft. Allerdings fehlt vielen Feuerwehrleuten schlicht und einfach die Einsatzpraxis, sodass ein „learning by doing“ schon an den Fallzahlen scheitert.