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Quay, Paul

The Author: Paul M. Quay, S.J., Research Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University Chicago since 1981, was also an associate professor of Physics and of Theology at St. Louis University for 14 years. He has written some 75 scholarly articles and a book, The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality, which has been translated into Spanish and Polish. He earned Licentiates in both Philosophy and Theology from West Baden College of Loyola University Chicago, and his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from M.I.T. After a year of post-doctoral research in Physics at Case I.T., he spent two and a half years in France and Germany, studying Philosophy of Science and Ignatian spirituality.

The Mystery Hidden for Ages in God</a>

The Mystery Hidden for Ages in God

Original sin, widely denied today, is nevertheless the condition in which our spiritual life begins. Fetal psychology helps one see original sin as a psychic negation of the created reflections in Christ of the traits of divine love within the Trinity.