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Redeker, Martin

Martin Redeker, Presiding Judge in the Higher Administrative Court, Greifswald; Prof. Peter Kothe, specialist lawyer in administrative law, construction law and architectural law; Helmuth von Nicolai, Undersecretary in the Ministry of Energy, Infrastucture and Digitalization, Schwerin



Seit dem Erscheinen der Vorauflage hat sich das Verständnis des Verwaltungsprozesses in Rechtsprechung und Wissenschaft fortentwickelt. Hinzu kommen stetige, wenn auch mehr an Detailregelungen orientierte Änderungen der prozessrechtlichen Vorschriften durch den Gesetzgeber.



Since the publication of the previous edition, the ways in which the administrative process is understood have developed further in case law and academic studies. There have also been constant changes in procedural law regulations by the legislature, although these have been more concerned with details.



Since the publication of the previous edition, the ways in which the administrative process is understood have developed further in case law and academic studies. There have also been constant changes in procedural law regulations by the legislature, although these have been more concerned with details.