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Zerrissene Moderne</a>

Zerrissene Moderne

Zerrissene Moderne beleuchtet einen wichtigen Moment der Sammlungsgeschichte des Kunstmuseums Basel. 1937 wurden im Zuge der nationalsozialistischen Kulturpolitik tausende Werke moderner Kunst als »entartet« diffamiert und aus deutschen Museen entfernt.

Castaway Modernism</a>

Castaway Modernism

Castaway Modernism illuminates an important moment in the history of the Kunstmuseum Basel's collection. In 1937 the Nazi cultural policy denounced thousands of works as “degenerate” and forcibly removed them from German museums. The Third Reich’s Ministry of Propaganda correctly assumed that a portion of such works would find buyers abroad, in this way certain artworks deemed “internationally exploitable” reached the art market through various channels.